This Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”), which is an integral part of the Terms, describes the activities that are prohibited in connection with your use of the Service, in addition to the restrictions set forth in the Terms. This policy may change as we evolve and our Service evolves, so please check back frequently for updates and changes. Capitalized terms used below but not defined in this AUP have the meanings set forth in the Terms.
1. You represent and warrant that you shall not do, or cause any other person to do, any of the following activities:
1.1. access (or attempt to access), tamper with or search any part of the Service and/or its underlying system, network and technology, by any means other than through the interface we provide in connection with the Service (e.g. scraping, indexing or crawling), unless you have been specifically permitted to do so in a separate binding agreement with us;
1.2. probe, scan or test the vulnerability of any system or network or breach or circumvent any security or authentication measures;
1.3. attempt to disrupt or overwhelm our infrastructure by imposing unreasonable demands or loads on our resources (for example, by using “bots” or other automated systems to send requests to our servers at a rate greater than what could be sent by a human user in the same period);
1.4. use the Service to transmit malware or host phishing pages. You may not engage in any activities or upload or distribute any materials or content that harms or disrupts the operation of the Service or other infrastructure of Iconnek or others, including third-party services. You may not use the Service for deceptive marketing practices or any other illegal or deceptive activity;
1.5. attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services or associated systems or networks or to defeat, avoid, circumvent, remove, deactivate or otherwise bypass any protection or monitoring mechanism of the Service's software;
1.6. impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, one of our employees, Administrators, Customers or other Authorized Users, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person, organization or entity;
1.7. use the Service to invade the privacy of others, including publishing others' private and confidential information, without their express permission;
1.8. use the Service to engage in or encourage others to engage in any defamatory, libelous, threatening, hate speech, harassment or harassment activity;
1.9. import or transmit from the Service any data (including through Customer Data and/or public User Submissions), files, software or links that contain or direct to any virus, Trojan horse, worm, script exploit, robot or other harmful component or technology that may damage or hijack the operation of any hardware, software (including the Service) or telecommunications equipment, or any other code or component that is or may be harmful, disruptive or invasive; and
1.10. misuse or otherwise use the Service in a manner that is excessive in relation to the standard intended use (as determined in our sole discretion), including, but not limited to, consuming a massive amount of storage or excessive bandwidth usage.
2. You warrant and represent that you will not upload, transmit, or encourage others to upload, transmit, or otherwise use in conjunction with the Service, any Customer Data, any Public User Submissions, that:
2.1. exploits or abuses children, including, but not limited to, images or depictions of child abuse or sexual abuse, or that present children in a sexual manner;
2.2. infringes our intellectual property rights or other rights of any third party (including a Third Party Service), including any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, moral right, right of privacy and publicity, or any other intellectual property or proprietary or contractual right;
2.3. is misleading, fraudulent, unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, harmful, pornographic, indecent, harassing, hateful or encourages any unlawful, tortious or inappropriate conduct; or
2.4. attacks or unlawfully establishes relationships with others based on their ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or illness.
3. We are not obligated to monitor your activities on the Services. However, we may systematically filter and/or monitor any data, content or information uploaded and/or transmitted to our Service and Sites, at any time and for any reason, in accordance with this AUP and the Terms, with or without notice.
4. You acknowledge that it is our policy to respect the legitimate rights of owners of copyright and other intellectual property rights.
5. In addition to any other remedies that may be available to us, if we suspect that Customer Data, Public User Submission or any of your activities or use of the Service violates this AUP, these Terms or Applicable Law, we may (i) delete the Customer Data or Public User Submission, in whole or in part; and/or (ii) terminate or suspend your Account or access to the Service, with or without notice and without liability to us.
6. We may modify this AUP at any time by posting a revised version. By continuing to use the Service or access your account after a revised version of the AUP is posted, you agree to be bound by the most recent version of the AUP. If there is a conflict between the AUP and the Terms, this AUP will take precedence, but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict.7. The Parties expressly agree that any dispute, controversy, disagreement, difference or disagreement arising directly or indirectly from this PUA, including concerning the interpretation, execution or violation of the PUA, must be submitted to the competent courts of common law in the judicial district of Drummond, Quebec, Canada.
Last updated: January 30, 2025